

MuxLab 70V Audio Converter

4 ohm lähtö 70V linjaksi


Nettohinta 260.00 €
(ALV 0%)


MuxLab 70V Audio Converter may be paired with the 500755-AMP-RX and 500217 amplifiers to support 70V speaker systems at the amplifier output.

The 70V Audio Converter is a passive device and can be easily mounted anywhere near the amplifier that it is to be connected with. It adapts a standard 4 ohm amplifier output that has been configured in bridge mode (mono) to a 70V speaker system. 70V speaker systems allow multiple speakers to be chained together over much longer distances than traditional 4 ohm speakers can accommodate.

  • Adapt an amplifier’s bridged 4 ohm speaker output to a 70V speaker system
  • Daisy-chain multiple 70V speakers from one source over a distributed layout
  • Extend speakers over long distances
  • Connects with 500755-AMP in Bridge Mode configuration at 100W (mono)
  • Connects with 500217 amplifier in Bridge Mode configuration at 100W (mono)
  • Power not required

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