>Light> Lighting Control Cables
Lighting Cintrol Cables
Lighting control cables are used to manage lighting systems in theaters, concerts, events, and other professional environments. They transmit signals from lighting control devices, such as lighting consoles, to individual fixtures or fixture groups. The choice of cable depends on the lighting protocol used and the system requirements.
DMX Cables
DMX cables are designed to transmit DMX512 protocol control signals from lighting consoles to lighting fixtures such as moving lights, LED strips, and theater lights. They are widely used in event productions, theaters, and concerts where precise lighting control is required. The 120-ohm impedance and shielding of the cables ensure reliable signal transmission.
DMX/powerCON® Hybrid Cables
DMX / powerCON® hybrid cables combine DMX control signals and power supply into a single cable, reducing cabling requirements and simplifying installations. They are popular for moving lights and other power-requiring lighting fixtures in large live events and fixed installations using the DMX512 protocol.
CAT5/6/7 Cables
Ohjaus- ja signaalikaapelit kattavat laajan valikoiman kaapeleita, kuten DMX-, CAT5/6/7- ja hybridikaapeleita, joita käytetään valaistuksen ohjaukseen erilaisilla protokollilla, kuten DMX512, ArtNet ja sACN. Näitä käytetään tapahtumatuotannoissa, teattereissa ja kiinteissä valaistusjärjestelmissä, joissa tarvitaan monipuolisia kaapelointiratkaisuja.
opticalCON® Fiber Cables
opticalCON® fiber cables are fiber-optic-based cables ideal for lighting control in large-scale and technically demanding productions. They are used for transmitting IP-based protocols such as ArtNet and sACN over long distances and in environments sensitive to interference. Fiber optic cables are especially popular at large outdoor festivals and in theaters.
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Lighting Control Cables
Lighting control cables are used to manage lighting systems in theaters, concerts, events, and other professional environments. They transmit signals from lighting control devices, such as lighting consoles, to individual fixtures or fixture groups. The choice of cable depends on the lighting protocol used and the system requirements.
DMX Cables
DMX cables are designed to transmit DMX512 protocol control signals from lighting consoles to lighting fixtures such as moving lights, LED strips, and theater lights. They are widely used in event productions, theaters, and concerts where precise lighting control is required. The 120-ohm impedance and shielding of the cables ensure reliable signal transmission.

opticalCON® Fiber Cables
opticalCON® fiber cables are fiber-optic-based cables ideal for lighting control in large-scale and technically demanding productions. They are used for transmitting IP-based protocols such as ArtNet and sACN over long distances and in environments sensitive to interference. Fiber optic cables are especially popular at large outdoor festivals and in theaters.
DMX / powerCON® Hybrid Cables
DMX / powerCON® hybrid cables combine DMX control signals and power supply into a single cable, reducing cabling requirements and simplifying installations. They are popular for moving lights and other power-requiring lighting fixtures in large live events and fixed installations using the DMX512 protocol.
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